Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Grilled Cajun Chicken

This night we'll perform the Special food set meal from Long John. Grilled Cajun Chicken.

It consist of rice, Grilled Cajun Chicken, Coleslaw, and Salads and olive salad oil.

With regular drinks the price will damage us at S$ 6.20. It also provide another option when you order it.

You can ask the waiter to replace either the salad or the coleslaw with a french fries. It won't cost you another cent or dollar to change it so.

Ok, now lets talk about the taste. Hm... to be honest, this meal sets is really makes you feel full, because of the combination. Specially the cajun is quite big. I'll recommend this food if only you're feeling hungry. If not, I think this option is not the best choice. The cajun is soft, and delicate. A little bit salty inside, with combination of chili and tomato, I'm sure it will become quite delicious. Now about the salad, the salad is very fresh, and the olive oil is also good and healty, good for desert. The coleslaw is standard, just like other coleslaw, or let me just say coleslaw is just another salad :p Ok, let's move on to the replacement, the french fries. Well Long John's French Fries quite special, I think it's quite comparable with Popeye French Fries. The taste is deeply within each stick.

The food place is usually has a harbour interior, and has a captain bell outside the restaurant. Below the bell there is a words, "Ring the bell if we did good." Last time I went there, there was a young girl that hitting the bell out loud. Weeeww... but I'm sure that Long John will be happy about it. Posted by Picasa

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