Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Ella Of Frell

I Forgot the real movie title of this movie.

But the movie isn't as good in the thriller..

The thriller is really makes fool of me

i kinda interested when i watch spiderman 2 and i saw the thriller of the movie

With a little bit of effort, Visit Slipi, Taman Anggrek, Citraland and at last Semanggi to find Ella Enchanted

At last i found it, but it was midnight show,

Not satisfied, that what can i say about it.

Ella had been gifted by Lucinda the Fairy

A Gift that doesn't wanted by Ella's Mother

And Ella her self later on

She had been gifted a gift of obeydience

She will obey everybody

even if she doesn't want it to happend

and she can do nothing about it

Well she want to be free

She want to make her own decission

She want to say NO

The journey started

On The way of it she found The Prince

A Handsome Charming Prince

A Journey to Find Lucinda The Fairy

To take back the gift

Will she succeded?

Will the stories will end like any other fairy tale?

Happily ever after?

Im aint gonna tell you the end of it...

but the movie isn't as good as i imagine

If u think the opposite just let me know.

1 cool thing from the movie is the magic book :p

Cool, Real 3D GPS System.

Love story between human being, Elf and Ogree, and Fairy and Book

Kinda weard?

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